Highways England has informed Surrey Research Park that work to widen the northbound exit slip road at the University Interchange is progressing well.
The narrow lanes will remain in place until late February with the reduced speed limit being extended along the main A3 carriageway and on the Hogs Back on Monday 13 January.
In addition, the following closures will be in place:
A3 Northbound Closures (9pm – 6am)
- Monday 6 January for 3 nights – overnight closure of the A3 northbound carriageway from Longmoor to the University Interchange, a signed diversion will be in place via the A325, A31 and Guildford (the closure will incorporate work to renew road markings along the A4 northbound carriageway)
- Thursday 9th January 2020 for up to 13 weeks – overnight closure of the A3 northbound carriageway from Compton to the Stoke Interchange with a signed diversion via the B3000, A31 and Guildford.
University Interchange Northbound Slip Road Closures:
Full weekend closures of the northbound exit slip road at the University Interchange:
- 9pm on Friday 24 through to 6am on 27 January
- 9pm on Friday 31 January through to 6am on Monday 3 February
- 9pm on Friday 14 through to 6am on Monday 17 February
- 9pm on Friday 21 through to 6am on Monday 24 February
The Sunday nights on these weekends will be night time full closures of the main A3 carriageway from Compton to the Stoke Interchange to allow the temporary traffic management to be reinstated.
If you have any questions or would like to know about any of the works, please email info@highwaysengland.co.uk or call Highways England on 0300 123 5000.