We know many companies on Surrey Research Park are contributing to PPE donations already. It is so appreciated.
UKRI has launched a new interactive portal as it builds on its infrastructure opportunities report and landscape report to encourage and assist wider access to the research and innovation infrastructure.
The InfraPortal showcases many exciting opportunities for research and innovation that the UK offers. Since UKRI unveiled the portal in November, around 50 additional infrastructures have been added. The InfraPortal will continually evolve to include additional infrastructures that are externally accessible and receive public funding.
UKRI state that we are witnessing a new industrial revolution and the UK is extraordinarily well-placed to benefit from it. They claim the ability to do so is rooted in research and innovation infrastructure that brings together global talent from across disciplines and economic sectors to tackle society’s most complex challenges and drive economic growth.
The UK has over 500 nationally and internationally significant research and innovation infrastructures. Broad investment in smaller-scale world-class laboratories underpins them.
Examples include large physical research facilities such as synchrotrons, research ships, scientific satellites and ‘living labs’ simulating how innovations might work in the real world. But we also specialise in knowledge-based resources such as scientific, cultural and artistic collections and archives, as well as high-powered computing systems, test beds and demonstrators. For more information on the scope of UK infrastructure within and beyond UKRI visit the case studies online.