Surrey Business School is running a Summer School for undergraduates and offering companies on the Research Park a chance to access the brightest brains and business mentors to help enhance their business research and development.
• Do you have areas of your business that need developing but you don’t have time to address?
• Do you need help with market research, road-testing your product, designing a product launch or identifying alternative revenue streams?
• Are you interested in accessing bright and innovative thinkers who will be mentored by academics and prominent business figures?
Tell me more
The initiative is a two week course (29th July – 9th August) for undergraduate students from a range of academic departments who will form multi-disciplinary teams to solve practical tasks posed by our businesses. They will then present their work at the end of the course.
The course is built around the Business Model Canvas, a strategic management and lean start-up template for developing new or existing business models.
How to get involved
If you are interested, please contact Surrey Business School. They will help define the area within your business that can be put forward to the students to develop.
You will be asked to attend an hour long session where you will present your task for the students. The appropriate teams will be created in order to work on the solutions.
Each group will have an academic mentor from Surrey Business School who will support them throughout the project, ensuring their output is first class.
After the initial introduction, you will be asked to meet the team a couple of times for a brief catch-up so you gain the maximum benefit and help keep everyone on track.
At the end of the summer school, each team will present their solution in a 10 minute presentation. They will also provide details of their solution in a format that you require.
If you are interested in taking part and accessing this excellent opportunity for free, please contact Andrew Adcroft or tel: 01483 682007