European Parliament Virtual Event
Policy options for shaping a principled digital future
How can online platforms be governed in a principled way?
Tuesday 30th March – 15:00 – 17:00
Online platforms such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook play an increasingly central role in the economy and society, and are recasting the relationships between customers, advertisers, workers and employers.
This has triggered a public debate on online platforms’ economic dominance and patterns of pervasive data collection.
The European Parliament is hosting an event as a report is launched assessing the effects of online platforms on the economy and society. The report was commissioned by the European Parliament, and produced by Professor Annabelle Gawer, Chaired Professor in Digital Economy at the University of Surrey and Director of the Surrey Centre of Digital Economy (CoDE).
Anyone interested can book to attend the event here
The event will bring together European Union officials, European parliamentarians, representatives of big tech and workers’ representatives, with a presentation on the report from Professor Annabelle Gawer, followed by a debate between representatives of Google, the European Commission, European trade unions, and academics. The event comes as the European Parliament begins the process of scrutinising, and where appropriate amending the proposed legislation and regulatory approach.
The full report, Online platforms: Economic and societal effects, together with a four page summary of the key recommendations for improvements in the forthcoming legislation, are available to read here.