Surrey County Council has recently secured funding from the Local Government Association to help people working in Surrey travel more sustainably.
They are inviting Surrey Research Park businesses to take part in a pilot project to identify the most effective ways of promoting sustainable choices.
The transport forum will be held on Thursday 13 February from 10:30 – 12:00 in Meeting Room 8, Surrey Technology Centre.
To confirm your attendance or for further information, please contact Amy Cosgrave on 07814 994854 or amy.cosgrave@surreycc.gov.uk
Working with the University of Surrey, and the EM3 LEP, Surrey County Council will be revealing more on the pilot project, how to get involved and the potential benefits for you and your organisation. In addition, they are developing a Mobility as a Service platform for Surrey, which will help integrate the local transport system more widely across the country, of which Research Park businesses are invited to help develop also.