NEWS29 November 2021

LoCASE offers all small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) grants of up to £10,000, along with an environmental training scheme and events.
The funding is available for businesses to implement energy efficiency measures, or business development projects for companies providing green services.
Examples of Energy efficiency measures for all business:
- Remote access projects (i.e., video conferencing, VPN, Cloud)
- Lighting – led, controls, sensors, Building control systems
- Mileage saving projects along with fleet management software, dual fuel systems, sustainable travel planning
Non-Financial Support:
- Steps to Environment Management Training Collaboration building networking events
- 1 to 1 business support
Environmentally Focussed Businesses; Examples of business development projects:
- Certification, accreditation & verification incl. consultancy costs
- Product development and research, specialist fees
- Plant, equipment & machinery, materials and equipment for research and development, facilities hire e.g., specialist lab facilities for testing
- IT software, hardware, phone systems
- Marketing and advertising, website development costs
Email any questions to