Companies located on Surrey Research Park are encouraged to join us on our social media platforms to help foster collaborative and partnership opportunities, gain access to business support services, as well as assist in promoting their success stories.
Surrey Research Park LinkedIn Group
Surrey Research Park has recently set up a LinkedIn Group to bring together all 170 businesses that are located on the Park. To join please click here.
The business ecosystem within Surrey Research Park offers tenant firms the opportunity to collaborate with each other, the University of Surrey and access business incubation and investment and funding support for R&D and scaling up. Please feel free to post collaborative and networking opportunities in this group. The group is monitored and overly frequent and irrelevant sales pitches will be removed.
Twitter – @SurreyRP
We always post our news and events as well as business and networking opportunities on Twitter. Please follow us.
In addition, it is a great tool for us to monitor the success stories on the Park. We often have journalists approach us for news stories particularly focusing on our industry clusters. For example, we recently invited BBC News to film Diverse Interactive as they reported on the area’s digital creative cluster and how the Park has helped. If you include @SurreyRP on your tweets we can monitor you more successfully and hopefully can direct journalist enquiries your way next time!
We are looking forward to launching our inaugural publication, Innovate Surrey soon. The publication will showcase our tenants’ success stories. The Park is a major centre of excellence in technology, science, health and engineering. To help promote our collaborative contribution to economic development and innovation please add #innovatesurrey to all your tweets.
Monthly e-newsletter, Park Life
Finally, we issue a monthly e-newsletter for our tenant firms. The purpose of the publication is to promote networking events, offers at the Hub on the Park, funding and research opportunities with the University of Surrey, welcome newcomers to the Park and celebrate key successes. To ensure you do not miss out please sign up HERE
2020 Vision
Our vision is to create a vibrant online business community for you and we welcome any feedback to help frame it for 2020.