NEWS20 October 2020

Help for students and graduates in unprecedented times

The University of Surrey has launched a campaign, Opening Doors to help its students and graduates through this ever-changing global pandemic. Specifically, they are reaching out to businesses on Surrey Research Park (SRP) to consider accessing the incredible University of Surrey student and graduate talent pool in the following ways:

Volunteer to help a Surrey student

Many students may just need a guiding hand, a little reassurance or a sounding board. The new online mentoring platform – SurreyConnect – will link you to a student to provide support with career-related advice such as checking a CV, building a LinkedIn profile or advice as the student prepare for interviews.

Offer an internship, placement or graduate employment opportunity

Surrey has an enviable reputation as a top UK institution for graduates’ job success. However, many companies are not able to offer placement opportunities at this time and students are missing out on developing the crucial employment experience that made them choose Surrey in the first place. Could your company offer a placement, an internship or share details of graduate employment opportunities?

Host or participate in a virtual event

Online events have become important for networking, sharing ideas, learning and gaining insight. Can you support the Opening Doors campaign by taking part in online events, perhaps as a guest speaker or volunteer in a careers panel or speed networking event? Such events can help bolster students’ confidence, broaden their awareness of career options and help them build their personal networks. All you need is a willingness to share your experiences with students and alumni.

Become an International Club leader

The pandemic has affected us all, cutting us off from family and friends at this difficult time. This can be particularly difficult for graduates living overseas. One form of support is the University of Surrey network of international clubs. These clubs in China, Hong Kong, the Middle East and Greece offer a way to build connections, both professionally and personally. We are keen to extend the network as far as possible. Do you have oversees contacts to potentially build another club in a new territory?

We hope you can help in some way – however large or small. Students are embarking on the most challenging and unpredictable period in history. With a graduate job market that is increasingly under strain, there are a significant proportion of Surrey students who are worried about their employment prospects. Recent research by Censuswide reported that 44% of young adults aged between 16-25 have lower aspirations for the future as a result of the pandemic, and almost 50% of recent graduates now feel they will be unable to enter into the career of their choice.

The University of Surrey is doing everything it can to help its students by engaging its alumni and professional community. We believe that many businesses on the Park will be interested in this opportunity to build relationships with potential future employees who are recognised as amongst the most employable in the UK.

For more information or to register interest in any of the initiative please contact [email protected] or sign up HERE.