After the great success of the Guildford Games Festival in 2020, Steam is back this year with another digital event packed with awesome video content plus discounts on games made in Guildford!
The festival commences on the 2nd December with the Guildford Games Awards, plus a host of videos debuting on the 3rd December – and you can watch all those on the Guildford Steam page.
Guildford has a rich gaming heritage stretching right back to Bullfrog and this small town in the heart of Surrey has continued pumping out great games ever since.
Steam will once again be arranging (along with Enterprise M3) the Guildford Games Festival Steam Sale, housing all of the Guildford-made games that exist on Valve’s awesome platform. You’ll also find many of the games discounted from the 2nd – 6th December (10am Pacific).
After last years festival artwork focused on local landmarks with some Guildford-gaming Easter Eggs thrown in, for this year we decided to show an arcade inspired by some of Guildford’s best PC games . We still wanted to acknowledge the local area, so we’ve set the scene in an old vaulted cellar. Many of the shops & restaurants in the High Street have these, with one being open to the public to explore (if you’re ever in the area, it’s called “The Undercroft”).
We hope you enjoy the 2021 edition of the Guildford Games Festival.