Our resident Research Bid Development Manager, Michael Reilly has identified opportunities for tenant businesses on Surrey Research Park to collaborate with academics at the University of Surrey, focusing in particular on the UK Industrial Strategy.
The Government’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund aims to bring together leading research and business to tackle the big societal and industrial challenges today. It forms part of the government’s Industrial Strategy, the long-term plan to raise productivity and earning power in the UK.
For business this is a hugely valuable grant funding that can give your R&D a boost without diluting equity and help you attract further investment.
Future food production systems
Apply for a share of up to £20 million to transform food production systems, improve productivity and sustainability, and help the industry move towards net zero emissions by 2040. Closing date: 22 January 2020.
Future flight challenge: discovery workshop
A discovery workshop to refine, validate and collaborate on the challenge of Future Flight. This challenge aims to revolutionise the way people, goods and services fly and position the UK as a world leader in aviation products and markets worth over $675 billion (£559bn) to 2050. Closing date: 13 November 2019.
Application of whole genome sequencing approaches to cancer
There is £5.4 million available for projects involving the application of whole genome sequencing to analyse cancers. Closing date: 22 January 2020.
UK-China: precision for enhancing agricultural productivity
Apply for a share of up to £5 million to work with Chinese partners to develop new integrated precision farming technology and help achieve net-zero emissions. Closing date: 22 January 2020.
Driving the electric revolution: building regional centres of excellence
Up to £30 million is available to create regional centres of excellence for the development, prototyping and scale up of power electronics, machines and drive technologies. Closing date: 4 December 2019.
Decarbonisation of industrial clusters: roadmaps
Up to £1 million is available to prepare plans for their journey to achieving low carbon and net zero industrial clusters. Closing date: 4 December 2019.
Decarbonisation of industrial clusters: deployment
Up to £1 million is available to develop plans for decarbonising an industrial cluster. Closing date: 4 December 2019.
Transforming foundation industries: fast start projects
Apply for a share of £5 million for fast start projects to improve the resource and energy efficiency of foundation industries – cement, glass, ceramics, paper, metals and bulk chemicals. Closing date: 5 February 2020.
Commercialising quantum technology: technology projects
Express an interest in a £30 million call to collaborate on quantum technology development projects. Closing date: 27 November 2019.