The University of Surrey is seeking businesses at Surrey Research Park to join a partnership of health partners, academics, and health focused businesses bidding for UKRI’s Digital Health Hub pilot scheme.
Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the aim of the Digital Health Hub is to promote knowledge and skills sharing across healthcare, academia and business, and drive innovation in digital health.
With access to a potential £4 million fund, the key to the success of the hub is engagement with industry and there are a variety of ways for industrial partners to be involved. The bid deadline for submission is Thursday 11th August. The University of Surrey is working on two separate applications below:
Pilot Health Hub 1 – Application of AI tools in radiology, with associated training
The Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Surrey are putting together a bid, with industry, to create a pilot Digital Health Hub.
The focus of the Hub will be on optimisation of disease prediction, diagnosis & intervention assisted by image-based AI tools, and in particular the training that will be required to translate the approaches into a real-world setting.
The hub will provide an optimal environment to accelerate the safe adoption of image-based AI tools that could support radiologists in their roles, reducing reading times, improving workflows and ultimately driving improved patient care.
If you are interested in being a part of this proposal, please contact Professor Rebecca Nutbrown on r.nutbrown@surrey.ac.uk.
Pilot Health Hub 2: Care Beyond the Hospital
Colleagues from the University of Strathclyde, University of Surrey, the National Physical Laboratory and Birmingham City University are submitting a consortium proposal focussed on Transforming Health and Care beyond the Hospital.
They aim to create a world leading digital health hub that provides the optimal environment to accelerate the co-design, development, testing and implementation of ‘better’ digital health solutions, using living lab testbed environments to support the rapid delivery of care beyond the hospital.
The hub will prioritise upskilling of engineers and physical scientists, health and care and industry professionals to be better equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to support rapid development, testing and translation of digital technologies into real-world practice.
Its research pilots will develop, test, evaluate and accelerate the translation of early digital health technologies beyond the hospital within real world health and care settings – delivering transformative change to improve patient outcomes and efficiencies in care. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Rachel Hargreaves on rachel.hargreaves@surrey.ac.uk