AURA Veterinary and Arthrex Vet Systems Revolutionise Animal Cancer Care with Cutting-Edge Imaging Technology at Surrey Research Park
AURA Veterinary, a world-renowned animal hospital with a focus on cancer, based at Surrey Research Park, has announced an exciting collaboration with Arthex Vet Systems to use new imaging technology to transform cancer treatment in animals.
Significant Benefits
The collaboration will enable AURA Veterinary’s experts to offer new Near-InfraRed Fluorescence (NIRF) imaging for use in veterinary oncology and soft tissue surgery.
The NIRF technique offers significant benefits and improves patient outcomes by providing real-time information about a variety of oncologic and soft tissue clinical problems, such as determining blood supply to skin in reconstructive surgery or identifying sources of internal bleeding or fluid loss.
This technique is a rapidly evolving area in human oncology where NIRF is increasingly used to identify metastatic lymph nodes or cancer left behind after surgery.
The team at AURA will also research using fluorescent markers to specifically target animal tumour cells.
Improved Outcomes for Animals
Prof Nick Bacon, Clinical Director of AURA Veterinary and Professor of Surgical Oncology at the University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine said: “Dr Laurent Findji, Dr Jonathan Bray and I, along with the entire AURA team are excited about our collaborative partnership with Arthrex Vet Systems and the significant improvement to patient outcomes it will bring.
“NIRF is available to all our patients at no extra cost as we look to improve outcome and welfare across a wide spectrum of diseases. We would like to thank Mike Bellinger and Paul Bosworth of Arthrex Vet Systems for their hard work and trust.”
Mike Bellinger, National Business Development Manager of Arthrex Vet Systems, said: “I have known the team at AURA for many years and their passion for continually looking to improve treatment options made this an easy choice for us. We are looking forward to this partnership going from strength to strength.”
As a dedicated ‘Centre of Excellence’ for NIRF technology, AURA Veterinary is happy to host veterinary surgeons at their hospital at Surrey Research Park in Guildford, UK to observe surgical cases undergoing NIRF imaging.