NEWS6 April 2022

Attend the launch of Surrey’s £1.2m RECLAIM network

The leaders of the RECLAIM (Reclaiming Forgotten Cities) project invite organisations to join their virtual launch event on 6th May and become members of the network. 

RECLAIM will be a ‘one-stop-shop’ for towns and cities to be supported with installing green and blue infrastructure in their communities and will build a community of practice, which reconsiders urban, green and blue infrastructure in a holistic way.

The network will identify and address knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, helping to fast-track solutions to the sustainability of cities and their resilience to climate and societal challenges. 

RECLAIM will develop and promote Green-Blue-Grey Infrastructure (GBGI) for public spaces through webinars, meetings, workshops, CPD courses, proof of concept, scoping and feasibility studies as well as short-duration researcher and job exchanges among partners.

This EPSRC-funded Network+ grant (£1.2m) is led by the University of Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Universities of Bath, Bangor and Warwick.

Register here for the launch event and sign up here to become a member of RECLAIM. 

For further information please contact Professor Prashant Kumar: