Competition for Tenants: Win £20,000 for Collaborative Innovation
Surrey Research Park has announced an exclusive competition for tenants to win up to £20,000 for research projects in collaboration with the University of Surrey.
The Collaborate21 competition – open to tenants, including virtual tenants and companies within SETsquared and Rocketdesk – will be won by firms with the most innovative ideas which complement the University’s research themes of lifelong health, technology and society, sustainability and urban living.
Dr Malcolm Parry, CEO, Surrey Research Park, “This is another excellent example of how we continue to deliver a competitive advantage for tenants, helping them to accelerate innovation and explore a real challenge or opportunity for their business. The £20,000 prize can be used in a variety of ways to support the research project such as investing in equipment, securing lab time or hiring a new staff member to administer the research.
“We have chosen to link the competition to themes such as sustainability, technology and society as these are areas in which the University of Surrey has world-class expertise and a proven track record in pushing boundaries. They are also key themes for the majority of our tenants, whether in the space sector, games development, healthcare or engineering.”
Applications are invited from companies at any stage of their development, including multinationals, with all projects to be completed by 31 July 2021. Non-tenant organisations may apply if a contract with Surrey Research Park, SETsquared or Rocketdesk is in place by the time the award is made.
How to Apply?
The first stage of the process is to contact Jenny Ritchie or Dan Bance by emailing collaborate@surrey.ac.uk to discuss your research idea. They will provide further details and will put you in touch with a relevant academic at the University of Surrey to scope out the research initiative.
Applications for innovative projects requiring funding above £20,000 may be considered where the higher value is justified. Competition winners will be announced by the end of April with projects expected to commence in May.