AI research solving real world problems
The Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI has gone from strength to strength since its launch. The Institute aims to build on the University’s 35-year history in AI by building a new multi-disciplinary approach to research in AI that has its primary goal of using AI to address human and societal challenges.
Director and Co-Founder Adrian Hilton comments:
“We have now assembled our core team of new academics, with fields of research that span law, social sciences, natural language processing, Green AI, tax systems and omics – to name a few. We have developed strong links with a variety of commercial and governmental entities (such as the Alan Turing Institute) who are interested in bringing the people-centred approach to their domains.
We are running workshops with a variety of external partners to provide insight and ideas to our challenge-based approach to research, ensuring that the work we do is rooted in solving real-world problems. As such, we work closely with Surrey Research Park to
encourage companies to leverage the AI and AI-related knowledge that we can offer, and to help to steer our research directions in ways that positively impact the local community and economy.”